Friday, November 21, 2014

"I am a gamer"

I don't know how this slipped under the radar, but this is some comedy gold right here.  Watch this video: "I am a Gamer" by TheGamersCave  Cringe at how awful it is, and laugh at how many times it has been justifiably downvoted.

Now watch this parody video, "I am a druggie," it's pretty funny.  According to the description, TheGamersCave had the audacity to flag the video and threaten ToriStick to take it down or else his team of lawyers would take him to court.

Another parody video/YouTubePoop entitled "I am a Virgin" was created several months later.  In it TheGamersCave goes into damage-control mode and states that it was a joke and that he thought that the parodies were funny.  Nevermind all that stuff about threatening with lawyers!  The comments are hilarious too.  I like how he unleashed his own army of loyal fans to try to defend him.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Been a year...

The mod scene has been pretty much dead since VALVe broke Source SDK.  Me and several friends have personally been working on our own project and things came to a halt earlier this year because the mod tools won't work. It kind of turned me off from mods altogether.  Right now I'm kind of just picking up the pieces. I'm hoping that this alternative to Hammer Editor, Sledge Editor, will let me at least edit some maps and wrap up my project, which so far, is a complete work of abortion.

I feel like I just need to finish the last few maps and at least have some closure to something that I've been working on in secret for two years of my life.

What's new in the gaming world, as far as I can tell?  The whole GamerGate is the only glaring thing that has really stuck out like a sore thumb, and reaffirms my belief that Gamers are, in fact, dumb.  Also Gamers Are Embarassing.  It's an old blog that's been abandoned but it's still a good resource on the "Gamer Lifestyle" culture that I think should be brought to light.