This is a pretty fun game if you play with people you know. I wasn't able to to play for more than an hour of deathmatch. I played about fifteen minutes with bots, which was pretty underwhelming, and another round with some friends. It's very different from other deathmatch games. The object is to kill other players without being seen by the police, so I guess there's some stealth element there. It feels weird without a run or crouch button, so it's very slow paced. A few negative points - there's only three maps, but the price was five dollars American, so I suppose you get what you pay for. Another thing is that the Director's voiceover repeats the same things over and over again. Real annoying.
For the modders out there, you should know that there is no SDK available (and probably never will be with Ubisoft's history). Additionally, this is not Garry's Mod compatable, nor does it come with Source SDK Base (which comes with all VALVe Source games and is required to play source mods)
All in all, a fun little diversion. I guess I can't complain since I was gifted this game through Steam friends.